Urban Planning and Sustainable Cities

Sustainable cities are designed with consideration for the social, economic, environmental issues without compromising the ability of future generations to experience the same. For many countries of the global south, the lack of urban planning leads to a growth in informal settlements and uncontrolled rural urban migration.

  1. HP3M provides support to city authorities and development corporations in designing and setting-up urban planning functions to create more sustainable cities.
  2. HP3M urban planning capabilities involves the delivery of projects associated with:
    • the design and creation of land use planning to improve urban settlements,
    • planning for new development and creating transport interchanges.   
    • developing and implementing land-use policies and programs.
  3. To create sustainable cities and minimise the depletion of scarce resources, we provide strategic advice in creating plans for carbon reduction strategies and climate change mitigation.

Some of the recent projects in this area

Hastings P3M provides urban planning solutions and assist in the implementation of these solutions by introducing the appropriate processes and controls to ensure that the project’s objectives are achieved by working closely with the client and other stakeholder groups.

Case Study

Hastings P3M consultants since January 2019 in the role as strategic advisers to the Mayor of Freetown. Have held leading roles in the area of Urban Planning and Urban Mobility representing the Government of Sierra Leone and Freetown City Council (FCC)  on a number of World Bank projects. 

These include:

  • Resilient Urban Sierra Leone Project
  • Freetown Emergency Recovery Programme
  • Sierra Leone Integrated Resilient Urban Mobility Project.
  • Freetown WASH and Aquatic Revamping Project

Development Control: We have set up a mechanism for transitioning land use planning and building control management from Central Government to FCC and have provided senior representation for the Mayor on urban development services and urban mobility, ensuring that government agencies and other donor-funded projects are aligned with the plans to Transform Freetown.

Transport:   We have developed the scope of a programme of works to regenerate the  Central Business District of Freetown through a series of interventions which include improvements in footways and street lighting, implementing parking controls within the municipality’s CBD district. We have also delivered as well as delivering the feasibility study to implement a Cable Car system in the city. This will improve access to hillside areas that are difficult to reach as well as reducing congestion and carbon emissions. This mass transit mode is seen as a means of regenerating the CBD by planning for Transit-Oriented Development around the stations.

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